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About us


Om oss


Our first goal is to create a sustainable store/online store

The times we live in now can be seen as difficult and unpredictable when it comes to survival for newly established small businesses. We have therefore chosen not to take out a bank loan which could have given us a good start-up capital to acquire goods, shop fittings etc




- Vision -
Individual adaptation and focus on the individual's resources and fields of interest
- in guidance and practice -

Our product selection is within the following categories:

  • Sewing machines, fabric and sewing accessories.

  • Vinyl, cutting machines and accessories,

  • Equipment for cats , including breeding equipment.

  • We work with an art/hobby department. 

  • Hair clips and decorations for children

  • Recycling department

  • Meetings, courses & teaching in the use of various cutting machines, sewing machines and types of sewing machines, sewing courses. 

Part of the product selection will be adapted to the expertise the company has at any given time

 Our main goal is to help inspire work & activity in  people  with a neurodevelopmental conditionis *

*Blue. Autism, ADHD, Tourette's press to

 All expenses are kept to a minimum level.

  • We are based in slightly out-of-the-way, but cheap premises,

  • All work during the construction and operation of the store is carried out on a voluntary basis*.

  • Furnishings and other shop equipment have been given to us, or bought in used and possibly rebuilt, so that they fit our product range.

  • Purchases of goods are made according to the balance in the bank account at any given time. 


* We will probably have to hire some help for marketing and perhaps accounting when we have the financial opportunity. When the store becomes sustainable, the plan is to employ person(s) with relevant expertise for our company.


Vi fokuserer på trygghet, læring, kunnskap og mestring som grunnlag for individuell vekst og utvikling, innad i vår bedrift! 

I forhold til våre kunder og samarbeidspartnere er målet å tilby kvalitetsvarer,- og tjenester til konkurransedyktige priser samtidig som vi håper vi klarer å inspirere til aktivitet, skapertrang,og arbeidsglede 🌞🌞   🌞,

  • Facebook
  • Youtube
  • Instagram
  • TikTok

Besøk oss

Fast åpningstid er Mandag, onsdag og fredag

fra kl. 11-16, torsdag 17-19

Lørdag 12-15. 

Stikk gjerne innom, vi har mange varer inne. Det er mulig å  komme utenom åpningstidene, send en melding/ring og spør :)

Kontakt oss

Amari AS

- Vinylhobby -

Mysen stoff & Symaskiner


Utstyr og tilbehør til katt og smådyrsoppdrett

Tlf.: 92 02 1530

Høytorpveien 34

1850 Mysen

Fortell oss

Takk for innsendingen din!

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